Find the beauty in challenging times

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The staff and Board of Directors of the Portland Parks Foundation wish you and your loved ones a safe journey through these unprecedented times. As each day brings new measures for the necessary social distancing to stop the spread of C-19, let’s not forget to keep our bodies and spirits healthy by savoring the official start of another beautiful Portland spring.

This is the season when the entire city can feel like a garden. We share a remarkable asset in our gracious public parks, dazzling public gardens, and soothing natural areas. And then there’s our front yards with so many Portlander gardeners generously contributing their hard work and front yards to transform the city’s streetscapes into resplendent promenades. There’s inspiration here: the plants, trees, insects, and critters are emerging from their hibernation—as we will, too.

For those of you who want to to help, please hold tight. We'll be in touch in the coming days with how best we can help you help parks. The Foundation is coordinating with Portland Parks & Recreation and other city and county agencies and will guide you to the most effective ways to pitch in. 

In the meantime, take a walk (Here are some good guidelines for social distancing). Look around and breathe in the spring. Wave at your neighbors (from a safe distance). Sing or dance like an Italian. And if you feel inspired, please share a story of how you're finding your personal Portland park. #doitinapark

To stay informed about the virus please check the following resources for updates about COVID-19 in Oregon and Multnomah County:

Like everyone else, PPF is pivoting from what we had planned to what we can do. Here are some updates:

Small Grants Program - Deadline Extended

We started our grants program to help small organizations thrive. If yours is struggling in this time of disruption, consider applying for a small grant to continue providing services, now or at any time within the next year. Preference will be given to projects that promote equitable access for all Portlanders to parks and parks programming, primarily benefitting low-income populations, communities of color, and other historically underserved groups. Due to the current events, we’ve also extended our deadline. Small grant applications are now due April 21st. 

Friends & Allies Summit—POSTPONED

Over 200 people signed up for our first Friends & Allies Summit scheduled for March 14. Our steering committee selected two “Parks Champions” to be honored. Precautions over C-19 forced us to postpone. Stay tuned for a new date for the Summit. And look to April’s newsletter where we will announce the Parks Champions along with the parks organizations they choose to receive their prize of $1,500.

Green Dreams: A Portland City Council Candidates Forum on Parks, Open Space, and Urban Design— CANCELED

C-19 precautions have shut down all the city’s theaters through April 14. This includes Portland Center Stage where we scheduled our first City Council candidates forum on March 30. The good news is we will still share with you the candidates’ views on parks and urban design in our April newsletter.

Become a Portland Parks Board Member

Would you like a bigger voice in the future of Portland's parks system? Consider becoming a member of the Portland Parks Board, the advisory committee to PP&R.

The board advocates for the well-being of, and equitable access to, PP&R services, utilizing the recommendations of the Parks 2020 Vision and other PP&R strategic initiatives adopted by City Council.  For more information, go here.  To apply, go here. Deadline for applications is April 10.