Parks are truly Portland’s living room during the summer months. Other than a nice shady picnic spot, what do parks really provide Portlanders? Here’s a roundup of our top blogs this year on the value parks bring to our city. That leads us to ask – how do parks and park programs help you?
As we began to celebrate our 15th anniversary year at an open house last week, many folks talked about why parks and private support for parks are important. Now it’s your turn - share your story and you can win a pair of our 15th Anniversary shades just in time for the summer sun!
We’ll see you at that perfect picnic spot this month rocking your new sunglasses!
1. Health
2. Recreation
3. Economic Development
4. Environmental Health
5. Wildlife Habitat
6. Community
7. Education
Thanks for helping support Portland’s parks and park programs that give so much back year-round. Now get out there and enjoy the park system you are helping build!