Help us build three new playgrounds!
In 2022 Portland Parks Foundation, The Rose City Park Playground Project, PP&R and community supporters like you helped build the Rose City Park Playground. Now, over 2,000 neighborhood kids have a great new place to learn, be healthy, and be together.
This was a pilot project for Portland Parks Foundation. Playgrounds across the city have failing slides, swing sets, and whole structures that are obsolete, failing completely or inaccessible to many.
Now we are doing more! In 2024 we committed to the Everybody Plays Playground Campaign, rebuilding playgrounds in George Park in North Portland, Raymond Park in East Portland and Portland Heights Park (Strohecker’s) in SW Portland. This will have a direct positive impact on more than 4,500 households across the city and across demographics.
George Park
Raymond Park
Portland Heights Park
Everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the power of play. We are determined to ensure that these playgrounds are at the core of where community, health and outdoors meet:
supporting mental & physical health
encouraging outdoor play & nature learning
expanding creativity
enhancing gross motor skills
helping to develop social skills
teaching kids about community / strengthen community
supplying endless joy and laughter
It will take a mix of funding types to ensure the success of this project. Portland Parks & Recreation is again showing their commitment to strengthening neighborhoods through inclusive, updated playgrounds, providing $300,000 to support the campaign.
This unique public-private partnership enables PPF to leverage PP&R’s committed support, with assistance from individuals, neighborhood businesses, and community partners.
Like we did in 2022 with the Rose City playground, we will successfully bridge public and private funding to create much-deserved spaces for youth to thrive.
With Rose City, we asked, “Would Portlanders help out?” You did. Quickly and generously, we raised more than $150,000. Now, you will be able to help the Everybody Plays Playground Campaign.
For questions contact, Jessica Green, Executive Director of Portland Parks Foundation, at or 503.445.0994.
Want to learn more about the Rose City Park Playground Project? See what the kids are saying this video, or check out the project page to see the impact of this community-led project.