The Barbara Walker Crossing
Portland’s 30-mile Wildwood Trail once suffered a major flaw: its crossing at Burnside Road. With an average 18,000 vehicles passing daily, hikers were forced to dodge traffic in their pursuit of nature. The Barbara Walker Crossing now enhances access to nature by making this crossing safe.
The Portland Parks Foundation spearheaded the effort to build a bridge at this intersection before a serious tragedy occurred. A committee of local citizens led the effort to make this project possible.
The Barbara Walker Crossing had been a dream for decades.
It moved from dream to drawing board in 2012 when architect Andrew Wheeler and artist Ed Carpenter began lobbying.
In 2014, the Portland Parks Foundation adopted the project and partnered with Portland Parks & Recreation, the Portland Bureau of Transportation, Metro, and hundreds of Portlanders to bring the bridge to life.
Companies like KPFF, R&H Construction, Walker Macy, and Shiels Obletz Johnson all played important roles, donating hundreds of hours of work for the design, engineering, construction, and installation of this bridge.
Contributions from foundations, businesses, and hundreds of donors made all of this possible. If you were one of them: thank you!
The Barbara Walker Crossing earned international recognition from two major organizations: Collaboration of Design + Art in Public Spaces (CODA), an international clearinghouse for connecting designers and artists, and the Portland Garden Club.
CODA’S international jury gave the Crossing top honors in Transportation and the Crossing also won one of the three People’s Choice awards, selected from among hundreds of entries worldwide. The Portland Garden Club awarded the Portland Parks Foundation with the Garden Club of America Club Civic Improvement Commendation in recognition of the creation of the Barbara Walker Crossing, connecting and providing a safe and scenic passage on the Wildwood Trail between Portland’s Forest Park and Washington Park. The Barbara Walker Crossing also received the Northwest 2020 Landscape/Urban Development Award of Merit from ENR Northwest.

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Local media coverage:
Special Notice: Thank you to our hundreds of donors for your incredible support during our crowdfunding campaign! You blew past our original goal of $150,000, contributing $184,916 online--earning our anonymous donor's match of $175,000--for a total crowdfunding impact of $359,916! See below for a full list of everyone who donated to the crowdfund.
2017 Crowdfunding Donor List
The success of the campaign for the Barbara Walker Crossing (Aka the Footbridge Over Burnside) was made possible by the generosity of the donors on the list below. This list is alphabetized according to the donors' preference for the listing of their names on the crowdfunding website. A HUGE thank you to everyone on this list as well as to those who have donated outside of the crowdfund.
Aaron Babbie & Ara Vallaster
Abby Frye
Adventure Group
Alex & Cate Keller
Alex Purdie
Ali Corbin
Alice & Tom Diffely
Alyce Flitcraft
Amanda Potter and Steve Gutmann
Ammery and Matt
Amy & Alistair Cragg
Amy E. Page
Amy Grotta
Amy Qualls
Andrew and Julie Wheeler
Andrew Asakawa
Andrew Fowler
Andrey and Michone Stevenson
Andy Miller
Andy Robinson
Ann and David Kafoury
Ann Chilcote
Ann French
Ann Garcia
Anna Goldrich
Anna Heinrich
Anne Prescott
Annie and Tim Scott
Anonymous (45)
Anonymous Family of Runners
Anonymous Jogger
Anthony and Martha Belluschi
Arianne & Nancy
Arlo Leach
Audrey O'Brien
Ava and Mia Crutchfield
Avi Pradhan
Bachman Family
Barb Tetenbaum
Barbara and Ed Slaughter
Barbara and Charlie Purinton Family
Barbara Stedman
Barbee Lyon
Baskin Family
Bearnard Roeder
Bebe J. Anderson
Becky Schreiber
Becky Wynne
Ben Hodgdon
Betsy Freed Sleeper
BettyLou Koffel
BF Frank
Bill and Keiko Rahn
Bill Kabeiseman
Blake & Elizabeth Howells
Bob & Karon Rakoz
Bob and Joelle Goodwin
Bob Breivogel
Bob Gandolfi & Ron Bloodworth
Bob Williams Family
Bobby Bermea
Bonaparte Family
Bonnie and Josh Folick
Bowerman Track Club
Brad & Diane Eamon
Brad Potts
Brad Tebo and Margo Haygood
Brandon Lujan
Brenda Rush
Brent Hamstreet
Brent MacDermot
Brent Maynard
Brett Elliott
Brett Ueeck MD, DMD
Brian Dunlap
Brian M.
Brigitte & Andy Russell
Brittany Murry
Brittni B.
Bruce and Jeanette Morrison
Bruce and Rebecca Garnsey
Bruce Stahl
Bryan Robb
Bud Clark
C.J. Gabbe
Cameron Winery
Carol and Paul Wild
Carol Edelman
Carol Gelfer and Joe Sullivan
Carol Sherman Rogers
Carolyn G.
Casey Evans
Cat Strieby
Catherine & Sonya O'Brien
Catherine and Tim Keith
Catherine Ellison, MD
Cathy Zegar
Charles Hoover
Charlie Swindells
Charlotte Spencer
Cheryl Thoen and Michael Zimmerman
Chris & Amy Marks
Chris & Cecily Moehling
Chris and Georgia Harker
Chris Gunderson
Chris Karlin
Chris Ross
Christine Larson
Chuck and Cathy Darby
Chuck Aude
Cindy Hawley
Clay R Kelleher
Condy Beeler
Cormac Burke and Christine Lorenz
Courogen Clan
Curt Mueller
Curtis Family
Cynthia Chilton
D. Hart
D. Fant
Damian Blacklock
Dan & Andrea Sweet
Dan Bergsvik & Don Hastler
Dan Moeller
Dave and Jill Pex
Dave Wisniewski
David A. Alport
David A. Shaw
David and Jeanne Ellis
David and Lynne Chapman
David Judd
David Judd and Kathryn Fitch
David Knott and Lee Hunt
David Missert
Debbie and Steve Asakawa
Debbie Geiger
Debra Haines
Denise Archer & Jason Wehling
Denni Chiavarini
Dennis Elliott
Dennis Lo
Diane & Charley Rowley
Dianna and Kevin Smiley
Dick and Trudi Morrison
Don & Darlene Carlson
Don and Mary Singer
Don and Melinda McCoy
Don Holman
Donna Arasin and James Price
Doug and Candy Morgan
Doug and Mila Shaw
Doug Kinnaird
Doug Shanks
Douglas & Rebecca Obletz
Douglas and Candy Morgan
Douglas de Weese, Rare Air Inc.
Douglas Kelso
Dr. Darrell and Joanne Beck
Dustin and Melissa Harder
E. David Granum
Earl Blumenauer
Ecton and Betsy Manning
Ed and Roberta Schwarz
Ed Carpenter
Ed Trotter
Edward & Marjorie Kirschbaum
Eiben Family
Elizabeth Domike
Ellen & Charles Stearns
Ellen Mendoza
Elliott Heath
Emily Platt
Eric and Ayler
Eric and Martha Van Dyke
Eric and Rae Piesner
Erin Codazzi
Ernie and Annie Munch
Eugene Borkan
Eva Parsons
Evan Garich
Eva's Herbucha
Fern Elledge
Finch family
Fran Davison and Craig Mosbaek
Frances Ousley
Fritz Paulus
Garrett Hicks
Gary and Sheila
Gary Hamblet
Gay Greger & Jim Sjulin
George and Nancy Thorn
George Goodman
Gil and Jan Kelley
Giles Benke Family
Gina Ossanna
Go Beyond Racing
Go Sounders!
Grace Taylor
Grant Garrett
Greg & Cathy Tibbles
Greg & Janet Moore
Greg Netzer
Gretchen Swiers
Griffith Rubber Mills
Gun Denhart
Gunnar deGroot
Gwendolyn Rudolph
Handegard Family
Happy Birthday to Ian Walker!
Hayden and Shannon Thomas
Heather & Ricardo Gaitan
Heather McCarey
Hector O. Vazquez
Helen Kennedy
Holly Robinson
Holly Sancomb
Hunter Bennett-Daggett
In Honor Of Barbara Walker
Indra and Ralph Bloemers
Irene Foster
J L Rice
J Raman & V Herur
J Ward
J. Cubar
Jackie Sparks
James & Susan Winkler
James Hutchinson
Jan Betz and Jonathan Brown
Jane & Marcus
Jane Heisler and Ross Roberts
Jane O'Scannlain & Mike Miller
Janell and Mark
Janell Eckes
Janet Bebb
Janet Schmidt-Hamilton
Janet Sherman
Janice Stewart
Janine and Hiroshi Iwaya
Janis Henwood Khorsi
Jean Morton
Jeanette Kloos
Jeanie Coates
Jeanne E. Galick
Jeff and Tna Meyerhoff
Jeff Anderson & Joan Vallejo
Jeff Grubb
Jeff Hawkins and Freda Sherburne
Jeff Kleinman
Jen Datka
Jen Holloway Smith
Jen Weprin
Jen, Mason, and Caden Schaerer
Jennifer D. Laney
Jennifer H. Allen
Jeri Jenkins
Jerry Fortner
Jessica Mehr
Jim Jacks
Jim Kaigh
Jim Owens
Jim Shulevitz
JK Williams
Jo Durand
Joan and Tom Buell
Joan Hoffman
Joanna Harper
Joanne Fornaca
Joe Recker
Joe Whittington
Joel Huffman
John & Dianne
John and Traci Wheeler
John Boone
John C Kelly
John Eric Noran
John Maroney
John McKenzie
John Miller
Jon Savidge
Joni Haffner
Joni Kutner
Joseph Welch
JS & Robin May
Judith Scott
Judy Chambers
Judy Hylton
Julia and John Hall
Julia Babcock
Julie and Brett Sheppard
Julie Demaree
Julie Lawrence
Julie Matteson
Justina Lynch
Justine & Bobby Mohr
K. Scholte
Kamla Hurst & Mark Yamagishi
Kara and Sky Colley
Kara Drolet
Karen Berkowitz and Robert Rutenberg
Karen Johnson
Karl & Rebekah Choltus
Karl and Barbara Wetzel
Karl Studnicka
Kate Harbour
Katherine and Pat Burns
Kathryn and Matthew Wolpert
Kathryn Espig
Kathryn Oliver-Garnett
Kathryn Richer
Kathryn S Beaumont
Kathy Gillette
Kathy Goeddel
Kathy L. Webber
Katie Goodwin
Keith Langenwalter
Kellye Just
Ken and Julie Lance
Kenneth I. Peters
Kevin Putnam
Kevin W. Rethore
Kim Diestler
Kim Knox and Linda Torgeson
Kim Silva
Kitty Midson
Kris Olson
Kristin Barber and Andy Popp
Kyle & Jericho
Kyle Ormsby
Kyna Rubin
Larry and Joyce Bates
Laura and Jim Young
Laura Finney
Laura Frizzell
Laurel Singer and David Striar
Lauren Ruth Wiener
Lauren Wiener
Laurie Kemmerer
Leanne Logan
Lee & Kerry Novak
Lee and Susan Rosenbaum
Lee Stewart
Leonard Peterson
Leslie Kay & Bob Joondeph
Leslie Moclock
Leslie T. Schockner
Leslie Vuto
Letha Loboa
Linda & Stephen Press
Linda and Ron Greenman
Linda Hutchins and John Montague
Linda Robinson
Linnea Alvord
Lisa Hall
Lisa Johnson & Erik Egan
Liz Field
Liza & Matt Brennan
Lora and Jim Meyer
Lori & David Silverman
Lori Bocklund
Lori L. Warner
Louisa and Stan McCleary
Lucas Martin
Lucy Cohen
Lyle and Elizabeth Korytkowski
Lynn Bernot
Lynne ODonnell
M. Kim
Makler Family
Marc Bohn and Caroline Fenn
Marc and Laura Eddings
Marcia Director
Maren & Scott Reed
Margaret & Bob
Margaret Carpenter
Margot & George Thompson
Maria L. Gerritsen
Marilyn Zornado
Marjory and Mark Morford
Mark & Susan Williams
Mark and Ann Schwarz
Mark Dohrmann & Julie Durkheimer
Mark Holloway & David Kahl
Mark Matson
Marta Fisher
Martha Garner
Mary and Mark Roberts
Mary Ann and Jim Pastene
Mary Anne Cassin & Ken Meyer
Mary Bywater Cross
Mary C. DiLoreto
Mary Drinkhouse
Mary Hanlon
Mary Henry
Mary N. Clark
Mary Rob Finch
Mary Rose & Ron
Mathew Denton
Matt DiVeronica and Meghan NeSmith
Matt Erceg
Matt Webber
Matt, Megen, & Greyson Pullen
Matthew & Julia Shinn
Maureen and John Bradley
Max & Tali Woodbury
Mayer/Reed, Inc.
Mazama Mountaineering Club
McCormick Pier HOA
Megan Clarey Howard
Melissa & Steve Van Doren
Meredith Sorensen
Meryl A. Redisch
Michael and Nancy Murphy
Michael Holland
Michael Mooney
Michael Pittock Mills
Michelle Sang
Michelle Watts
Mike and Nancy Teskey
Mike Davis Farrier Service
Mike Domash
Mike Holstun
Miles TeSelle
Mimi Epstein
Misty Jungels
Mitchel Auerbach
Mr. Sidney Eaton Jr.
Music Millennium
Nancy and Ron Gronowski
Nancy Greene
Nancy Hawver
Nancy Kurkinen and Richard Hollway
Nate Jaqua
Nicholas L. Obletz
Nick Hardigg
Nick Warren
Nona Donahue
Oscar & Mary Mayer
Pam and Bob Davee
Pat Clancy and Beth Caruso
Pat Frobes
Patricia Chandler for David Shaw
Patricia Leonard
Patti Lind
Patti Schleuning
Paul & Therese Andersen
Paul Garrahan and Kristin Watkins
Paul Hanes
Paul R. Coles
Paul, First of His Name, Last of the Burdicks, Saint of Sinners
Paula Carlson
Paula Wynn
Penelope Scambly Schott
Penny & Marvin Harrison
Pete Beeman
Pete Dalke
Peter Mollica
Peter Winch
Petrequin College Consulting, LLC
Phoebe Lin
Phyllis Reynolds
Pippa Arend
Pixley Family
Porter Raper
Prettygirl Frierson
R&H Construction
Rachel Cody
Rafe Pilling
Randy Miller
Ray Bowman
Rebecca Bremner
Rhonda Kaiser
Rich and Jean Josephson
Rich George
Richard and Saffron Mills
Richard Bosch Architect
Rick Kneedler
Ricktor & Lee Ball
Rita & Arlen Sheldrake
Rob Nimmo & Linda Jensen
Robert Altomare
Robert Mckibben
Robin & Jeff Jensen
Robin & Jeff Jensen
Roger Demuth
Ron & Jean Boesl
Ronald W. Atwood & Rebecca Youngstrom
Ros Vila and Greg Block
Rose & Dave Wolfe
Rose City Track Club
Rosemary A. Burris
Roslyn Owen
Rosy and Ellen
Ruth Roth
S. Onitsuka
Sara Sebby
Sarah Barrett & Frances Barrett-Dahlke
Sarah Stoll
Sasha Swerdloff
Scott & Barbara McKibben
Scott & Stephanie Gettel
Scott Diamond
Scott J. Haas
Scott L. Taylor
Scott Wells
Selina Scott
Serena Cruz
Serge Kise
Seth Miller
Shane Darden
Sharon L. Baker
Shiels Obletz Johnsen
Shirley Ingram
Sonal Dave, MD
Sonia Worcel
Sonja L. Connor
Stacey Family
Stacie D. White
Stephanie Arnold and Mark Prieto
Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Spiak
Stephen F. Cook
Stephen Kafoury
Stephen Kirby
Steve Carpenter
Steve Daggett
Steve Greenwood
Steve Hoffman and Vicki Grandy
Steve Levy
Steven Bernard
Steven Mare
Stone Doggett
Sue and Ben Donora
Sue Anne Cox
Sue Pickgrobe & Mike Hoffman
Susan & Mike Rego
Susan Blatt
Susan Faulkner
Susan Hammer
Susan Hay
Susan Williams
Suzanne & Peter Muller
Suzanne and John Eberle
Sylvan Neighbor
Team Red Lizard
Ted & Debbie Kaye
Ted and Connie Gilbert
Terry Swiers
The Carrier Family
The Grants
The Green Family
The Hinnen Family
The Houle Family
The Kehe Family
The Nicholas Family
The Pacyk Family
The Panetta Family
The Perkey Family
The Rice Family
The Shum-Smith Family
The Silenzi Family
The Sustersic family
The Walker Family
The Yokoyama-Martin Family
Thessin Family
Thomas Armstrong
Thomas Buell Jr.
Thomas J. Török
Thomas Price
Tiffany McCleary
Tim and Leslie Hutchinson
Tim Anderson
Tom Keller
Tom Kelly & Barbara Woodford
Tom Mazur
Tom Schneiger & Lindsey McGrath
Torri Reichman
Traci Parker
Tracy Arnold
V. Ehelebe
Valerie H.
Valerie Ilsley & Bruce Murray
Veronica and Jim Hiller
Victoria Campbell
Victoria Milne
Virginia Smith & John Bissonnette
Walker Macy
Walt Mintkeski
Warren and Cherie Maher
Wendy and Keith George
Wendy Willis
Weston and Carrie Twigg
Whitney Nye
William Cunninghame
Yuki and Craig Johnston
Zari Santner
Zoey and Wendy Buchanan